Soil Recycling

Put simply, soil recycling is the process of recycling onsite topsoil by blending amendments to produce healthy soils for reuse.

What is involved?

We take the existing soil on your site, extend it’s longevity by improving it's health (still on site), maximise it’s value by ensuring it will sustain plant life long term and re-use whatever isn’t needed on your project for use in other sustainable manners.

By recycling the soil on your site you will help protect and enhance the soil resources on site and achieve wider benefits for the environment. It will also:

Potentially achieve cost savings for your business

Help you to achieve your company sustainability targets

Help you to meet legal obligations regarding waste controls


The Process

First thing’s first: get in touch with us for a chat. We attend your site to review the current topsoil either in place or stockpiled and take soil samples for testing by the laboratory. After a few days we receive testing results and review with the soil scientist, creating a sustainable game plan for reusing the valuable resource onsite.


Terry arrives and soil treatment begins

We arrive onsite with our mobile plant, set up an area and begin treating the stock piled topsoil. The soil is fed through the trommel using an excavator and loader. Simultaneously we blend soil improver, fertiliser and minerals to achieve the desired outcome. The treated and healthy topsoil is stock piled ready for reuse.


The entire process is carbon offset

Not only have we offset our carbon emission with Greenfleet, but we have also reduced carbon emissions from trucks hitting our roads.

See most frequent questions

Please see below for some of our most frequently asked questions, and if you don't see what you are looking for below please feel free to get in touch.

How large of a working area do you require?

Depends on the amount of soil to be treated, generally 30mtrs x 30mtrs.

What is your minimum quantity?

We have no minimum qty, please get in touch to discuss.

Sounds expensive, is it?

No. The process works out to be more cost effective than removing offsite and importing soils. Money saved and in your back pocket.

Is there any overburden from the process?

Yes, depending on soil type, we expect between 5-30%. 30% being wet clay loam and 5% sandy soils. The overburden is included in our quote.

Can you treat any soil?

Technically speaking not exactly any soil, but we are yet to see a soil that can’t be improved for reuse. Please get in contact for a no-obligation site visit.

Do you work with sports field materials?

Yes, we can ameliorate onsite soils with sand products for reuse onsite.

We have always used imported soils, why should we change our thinking?

Turning your topsoil into quality soil comes with a long list of perks. On a sustainable note, soil recycling assists in protecting and enhancing the resources you already have onsite, which leads to wider environmental benefits. You’re using what you already have which saves you time and money on site. This process also means you may be closer to achieving your company’s sustainability targets and be closer to meeting legal obligations regarding waste control.

Why is soil so important?

Soil is a vulnerable and essentially non-renewable resource. One hectare of topsoil, the most productive soil layer, can contain up to 5 tonnes of living organisms and because it can take more than 500 years to form a 2cm thickness, it is in practical terms non-renewable.

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